
My mission

The search for an interior look that will serve to alleviate your suffering, and to connect with your well-being is vital. Accompany you to find the place where you'll be calm.

My point of view

All of us disconnected from ourselves at some point in time, our reality invades us and we forget. A world with people who are more aware and connected will be a better world.

Así soy yo

A person who invites you to make a process in a calm, with the goal that your body, your mind and your emotions to be in coherence and convey your identity.

Hello, I'm Alma!

"Aquí te cuento un poquito sobre mí"

I am a psychologist and coach with an extensive professional background in childhood and adolescence. A few years ago I was doing a personal and professional transformation that led me to the need to connect with the calm and with my interior. After my own process, I began to devote myself more to personal development and to acquire the tools and knowledge that could be of service to the people that work with me. I discovered the body work, as a resource for self-knowledge and growth. And I am passionate about; the way the body is exploration, fun and movement. Our body has information for us which helps us to evolve and discover different modes of learning. So I found an easier way of living.

I love to accompany people in their own development and to share everything that I have learned throughout my professional practice. Now, I characterized the stillness and movementthat , far from being contradictory, they complement each other perfectly.

Te diré una cosa más sobre mí

“If you've already come
up to here...

“I started working with childhood and adolescence to change the following generations, now embraces the human BEING in its entirety to expand the impact in the world.”

Because the opinions will always add

This is what they say of me

Alma es una de Esas empresas que pone a disposición de las personas toda las herramientas de trabajo a su disposición. Recomiendo 100% las Charlas Online. Gracias Alma
Manuel ManzanaresManuel Manzanares
15:11 19 Feb 24
Una de esas profesionales que no se cansa de evolucionar tanto en el terreno profesional como en lo personal dando creando un espacio único para cualquier tipo de persona que necesite sus servicios. ¡Un diez! Gracias Alma.
Manuel GallegoManuel Gallego
15:08 19 Feb 24
Genial profesional, atenta, cuidadosa y con una línea de trabajo que cuida hasta el último detalle. Gracias por hacer las cosas tan sencillas. Muchas gracias de corazón por esta oportunidad de trabajar contigo.


Ask me what you want, and solve all your doubts

English (UK)